Friday, February 22, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
the moon
I want to shine again like the the moon, softly, light without too much brightness, not like a June bug on and off, just light and easy, and loving. I've manged not to set limits and have exhausted myself. So I will rest and get balanced again.
The moon is coming up again tonight, through the black limbs of the trees across the street, in the 6pm night sky, soft hazy clouds around it, like a child's book cover, placed where the sun sometimes comes in the west in the morning. Soft and sweet tonight. In my living room, the only other light is the lamp beside the computer bright behind the paper lantern shade. Tonight after meditating I sit relaxing in my living room, the one I designed for me, all this beautiful art and loving that it's comforting to sit here. I thank the person today who e-mailed me and said, "not many people go after their dreams and you did". One person might think it foolish, what I've done, but I've done it before and made it a whole new life happen, so I tried again. This time it wasn't easy. I see it not as failure, it was disappointing, maybe I just spent myself out before I got there and wasn't able to give it the time it needed to happen. The people I met there said I should have given it more time. I made some lovely friends in a very short time there. Maybe I didn't trust enough, or maybe I've had all the adventures I'm going to. Isn't that what we learn from, that some things work and some things don't.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
hanging on
Two hours later, stopping at a rest stop, walking towards the rest rooms she turned to lock the car with the remote, looking at the drivers side, there sat the little container of cream, perched between the luggage rack and the Thule rack. Complete. Whole. It has been on a 80 mph joy ride, not secured. Looking a little worse for wear.
It's the way she feels right now, only her joy ride has been thousands of miles. She's lucky, she has a home to go to, work will come, she's sure, and she's always willing to work hard, but right now she's bedraggled, dazed. Looking in the mirror she's looking worse for wear, at least thats what her tired eyes see.
She got a reprieve from driving today, she's land locked in Salt Lake City, northern Utah got hit really bad with snow and I-80 is closed. Another story with no meaning other than what we read into them
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
In one bedroom, two sleep, in the other, one sleeps, flowers sit on a window sill, kitchen cabinets open to cashew nuts in jars, a carrot juice, unopened on a side table, on the walls fractal art mixed with Shalandama's photo's. A refrigerator magnet says 'THINK, it's not illegal yet'. There's a mango on the window sill above the sink, next to the flowers, it has a big chunk out of it. Maybe it's getting riper. It feels as if life is suspended, waiting for them to all start moving.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
my respect to the Master
I first remember being aware of Maharishi at Goddard college in Vermont in 1972 where I was going to school. My dorm, the 'Clean and Quiet dorm', or also known as the 'Queen and Quiet dorm' (a reference to sexual orientation of many of the dorm students) was in the same building separated by a concrete wall, from the TM dorm. Our building abetted the woods of campus facing the pond, away from the wilder students, who were smoking pot and drinking heavily. We wanted quiet, quiet study and a quiet life. I stayed away from the lectures of the TM dorm. I'd just moved up from Boston where I'd been in the macrobiotic community. I wanted nothing more to do with the elitist/organized groups of people who thought their way was the only way. But I liked all the people who practiced TM that I met. I remember Toby Fiendblum (sp?), whose obituary was in the FWR not too many years ago. She had come back to Goddard to visit, the dorm mates in both dorm's were falling over themselves to greet her. She entertained us that night singing songs, one being 'I'm forever blowing bubbles'. They clapped and yelled for the bliss she eluded, she was very sweet and effervesant. Her name was the only name I remember from there. I also helped some sweet cute guy buy a suit to go to teacher training. For some reason, maybe because I was English, he wanted my fashion advice. We went to look at seersucker suits. I talked him into a lovely Pierre Cardin dark blue velveteen, which he probably roasted in on his summer visit to Switzerland. But I never knew, I never heard about him again.
It wasn't until I was living in London in 1981 that Maharishi's name came back into my life to stay, well, really forever. I met George Gallagher in the ballroom of the London Hilton and fell in love with him at first sight. We spent a few days together and he flew back to US. Two weeks later, wanting to woo the dark handsome 'executive Govener of the Age of Enlightenment' I learned TM in London alone, without the confirming experiences of others in a group, from an older TM teacher in London called Jet Fairley. Within 10 days I was in the Houston, visiting George and going to the TM Center having my 10 day checking. Jane Hobson ran the Center. And I stayed never returning to live in London again. Within a year I was a Sidha. And a few months later I married George, in the ensuing 13 years we had two children, traveled and lived a good life. I like to think it was TM that bought me George, my two sons and all that followed in Fairfield. I never got to see Maharishi. Andrew was 10 days old when we came to the 7,000 course, women with babies were delegated to Yagyavalka hall to watch over a satellite the great field house hall where all the other meditaters were squished to be with Maharishi. For me it all did start with wanting the light I saw in the man I fell in love with, the pure light of consciousness is what I always believed I saw, which was given from Maharishi to George. I like to think I gave my children that, that light, everyday while I meditated with them in my womb. The rest, the rest is everyone's own experience, it's only what we have to go on, my experience was that when I learned to meditate my life changed. Jai Guru Dev
Sweet dream
Friendliness and kind words, that’s what the morning bought, sunshine and music.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Homeward Bound
My mother too is ill in phoenix, I'm not sure what that really means or even if I can do anything to help the situation. I will go and do my best. The great thing is, I"m going back to everything I love. It doesn't get better than that
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Nomad Cafe seems appropriate a place
waking up this morning I remember waking up last night after an hour and a half of sleep. Why was I so angry leaving Trieste? As I awoke from last nights disjointed sleep time -Myla had been wondering room room to room and circling past me talking to herself as I slept - I sat up, it was a sort of ahha, and after only so little sleep. 'I need somewhere to call my own', at least as a room with a door for me to be behind, away from mad moments and fatigue. It's enough, enough of living out of suitcases after seven months. It's not my nature to be out of nest.
The anger, yes, I figured it out too. Only hiding a belief that won't serve me. Fatigue must do that, pick up old thoughts, old ways of being and own them, as I notice those thoughts I will knock them away, I want no limits on what I can do. I will inspire myself, I will be that little engine that could that I read my children nightly, yes I can, yes you can, yes we will, and spread the word, meet to greet, smile, and become my own world of self sufficiency here in Berkeley. Find some women to write with. I just need to remind myself, pioneering is fun, at times a challenge, growing within and it's not for the faint of heart. Urge me on if you see me on the path, it's a quieter, less intimate trek than I thought it would be, but ah so rich, loving, loving, there I am. an yes more photo's there must be one a day.